
November 24: battery crisis

Oh no! The red battery light was blinking away and there wasn't much time...I clicked the button indiscriminate of what I was taking a picture of. So, I cropped it and flooded the picture with light and this is what we have.

Now, your job is to tell me what exactly this is. It may be very obvious but I am not sure. I'm curious to hear your guesses!


Anonymous said...

I'm guessing a cardinal's costume?

Bek said...

scarf and coat?

Anonymous said...

red coat with a scarf, hanging on a door perhaps?

Anonymous said...

or maybe it is the ghost of little red riding hood?

Anonymous said...

a lovely red petticoat hanging on an antique coat stand next to a floor length white coat with a full, beautiful faux fur collar.

or a freaky angel of death descending on a poor, unsuspecting red gumby snoman.

Anonymous said...

yes, yes. It is my red coat and some scarves and a hat hanging on my door. You are all very imaginative and brilliant :)