Lowry always reminds me of a cut-away building. Every time I walk up to it, there are people buzzing around on each floor. Tonight, I could actually hear the buzzing activity on the second floor. Good job guys (and girl!)
November 29: Like a dollhouse
Lowry always reminds me of a cut-away building. Every time I walk up to it, there are people buzzing around on each floor. Tonight, I could actually hear the buzzing activity on the second floor. Good job guys (and girl!)
November 28: Hi
November 26: all I remember...
about my tour of the C.O.W my Junior year of high school was this floor in the music hall. The tour guide went into GREAT detail about the great detail it took whoever made the floor to lay the 2x4's vertically instead of the normal horizontal way. I don't know why on earth....but it is a nice touch. I DO NOT however remember the tour guide offering any little details about a little project known as Independent Study that every student gets the privilege of completing their senior year. That tidbit might have changed the course of my history. I'm sure she probably covered that while I was distracted by the floor. It worked out better that way as I don't think I would know 95% of the people that are looking at this picture. And you all were so worth doing I.S. for. Who would have thought a caption for a picture of a floor could all of a sudden get mushy? I certainly didn't when I started writing it, and with that I think I'm done! Goodnight.
November 24: battery crisis
Oh no! The red battery light was blinking away and there wasn't much time...I clicked the button indiscriminate of what I was taking a picture of. So, I cropped it and flooded the picture with light and this is what we have.
Now, your job is to tell me what exactly this is. It may be very obvious but I am not sure. I'm curious to hear your guesses!
November 23: getting ready to rumble
Tonight was my little (6' 3" )brother's first basketball game - ever. Up until this point in our lives I have played more organized b-ball than him. Though I have fun waving that statistic around, it isn't saying very much. I was just recounting to my mom tonight the climax of my basketball career which peaked at age nine -- a vivid and horrible memory. It was a co-ed team and I went up to battle for a ball with this kid with shaggy hair and as we came down I accidentally scratched him pretty bad (I can still feel it sometimes in my nightmares and it's horrible)...anyways, he cried and I felt terrible about it. He also convinced his whole team to cheer mean things about me the "cat-lady" with claws. It was very scarring for me (I hope it wasn't too scarring for his arm) and that was pretty much the most exciting bit of my hoop dreams which is OK. Anyways, Bill has always been a baseball boy but this fall he decided to try out for the basketball team even though he'd never played before. He made JV and played the first game of the season tonight. That kid is just so versatile. It is really inspiring actually...I guess it is possible to do things you haven't been training for your whole life. Some skills are transferable. You just have to ignore the people who tell you you can't do it, that you've missed your chance, and that "this isn't the way it's done." We all could probably stand to have more of that kind of approach to life.
I was thinking about that while I was watching the game tonight and how it pertains to my own life. One very small example is that I know that one thing I would really enjoy is to be a sports photographer. I love looking at the sports pages and seeing the photos where a dramatic motion is captured in a single frame, or you can feel the victory on one flat 4x6 shot. I'm always proud of the person who took it.
And I must say that my inside look at the world of sports photography does give me reason to hope that I too could ascend such lofty goals. You see, my senior year of high school volleyball on the very "Ranger Man" you see on the court above, a newspaper photographer came to take some shots of us....after clicking away for a while he said that "we were moving too fast" and it wasn't working. We were moving too fast? Tell me, what is one to do when playing an aerobic sport? This isn't chess! His solution was to pose us AS IF we were actually playing. I was having integrity issues with the whole thing but I ended up going along with it and have the picture to prove it. I had to pretend like I had just set the volleyball by reaching my arms in full extension as if I was really setting the ball to my friend Christy. Christy had to stand on a chair and "spike" the ball -- pretend spike the ball that is. It was ri-dic-u-lous. I hope that people all over the city thought we looked really fierce when they saw that picture. We worked hard to make it look accurate. So, all this to say, if that's the crack-squad they've got working in the sports photography industry right now, maybe there is hope for me. I think I just need a camera that clicks its little shutter faster (even if I time it up perfectly, if there is too much movement it gets blurry). BUT, for now I've told myself that this year of taking pictures is a good chance to learn as much as I can from my basic point-and-click. And I still like the way this one came out tonight. It was a good game too :)
November 22: Battle of the Biscuit 2007
November 21: Tonight's Game
My mom found this new game called "Hear Me Out!" which is very fun. Bill almost won...but there is this great little rule where a player that lands on a "lose all your points space" can beg for points from everyone else. So right before Bill was about to win, my mom landed on the "lose all your points space" and before she even had to beg the rest of us gave her all of our points because she is rather cute. So, she won. Bill is still bitter about this.
November 20: Dan the Man
I realize this is a little scary - sorry about that! It's just my little brother being wierd! He would smile right up until I took the picture every time. Argh! There were some other ones which are even more scary where he is trying to tackle me while I take a picture. So, needless to say, my batch of photos to choose from was rather limited. But I played with the light a little and I liked his hand in particular.
November 18: Sunday Lunch
November 17: Help!
November 15: turkey cookies
November 14: Julie
I've wanted to capture "Julie" in a picture ever since I started this whole thing, but if you know Julie, you know that is quite impossible to put all of who Julie is into one picture. This little moment of serenity captures a part of Julie, I think...her pensive, writing self AND her piano playing hands. She has some of the most beautiful handwriting I've ever seen (it is too bad you can't see it here) and I know that I have benefitted from many of the thoughts and meditations she's written in that little journal of hers over the years and then shared with me in a time of relevence.
**PS: Sorry about the delay in putting these up lately. I've had no access to internet, but don't you worry, I haven't been putting up any stale photographs - one a day! Hope you're having a good one.
November 13: Tuesday's Gone with the Wind
November 11: words
When the blind man in Luke's Gospel meets Jesus, Jesus asks him the question, "What do you want me to do for you?" That question has always struck me....isn't it apparent what the man needs? OB-VIOUS-LY, he's blind! Yet, Jesus entreats the man to put words to his need. Perhaps to acknowledge his need for help aloud, perhaps as an outward sign of his belief that Jesus could do something about his problem....probably both. Jesus didn't just walk around zapping people to get well. *Anyways* One of my biggest hopes for the conference was that students would begin to put words to the places in thier lives and souls where they needed healing, freedom, forgiveness, or wholeness. I was encouraged that many of the students did just that. This picture is a station I set out for the prayer room at the conference. I spelled out "WHAT DO YOU WANT" with the tiles and I found this crossword puzzle when I went to clean it up. The students had done some business with God here and I pray that they recieve their requests (perhaps that the person desiring perfection would be satsified with progressive sanctification!)
November 9: match
This weekend was the InterVarsity Ohio Fall Conference for all the colleges and universities in Ohio. We were studying the stories of the blind beggar and Zacchaeus, each about a man being seen by Jesus in some way -- being found in the crowd. Our staff team really wanted the students to feel "found" and "seen" all weekend. We had this idea to send them into the lobby of the conference center for 20 minutes while we prepared a party for them on Friday night. We asked them to try to meet new people and figure out the craziest connections between them -- maybe some of them were related and didn't know it....or had been born in Nebraska (two women actually found each other and figured that out). Prizes were to be awarded. Even so, I was sort of dazzled by the enthusiasm with which they took the challenge. Two people, from two different states - Ohio and Tennessee - figured out they were in the same building for a musical in North Carolina a few years ago. I really wanted to hear the whole conversation that got them to that point! *Anyways* I went out in the lobby to check on them while they were finding connections and of course started taking pictures of people in lively conversations. I was excited to find a match of my own!!!! I think I deserve a prize too.
November 8: the lowry paper pile-up
Who is doing this?!?! My goodness! Every time I walk into the back door of the student center I am dazzled by how stressed out the newspaper stand seems to be. Who is in such a hurry loading the newspapers every week? I want to ask them some questions: Is everything okay in your life? Are you not getting paid enough? Do you derive enjoyment from throwing the newspapers around? Perhaps, I could just park myself out right on that corner until I meet them. That might be a little awkward though.
November 7: oh, brenda!
November 6: top five purchases of my life
I probably should not have gotten out of bed this morning. But, I did. Now I'm back in my bed and I don't intend to get out again until tomorrow sometime. Thus, I was extremely lacking in artistry or vigor today. So, from the comfort of my bedroom, I decided to showcase some of the best purchases I have ever made in my entire life.
In no particular order:
- red blanket/sarong/skirt/beach towel/tv cover/table cloth -- Could I have known when I purchased this from the traveling man from West Virginia selling mittens and ponchos in the student center, that this piece of fabric would be so multi-functional and travel with me all over the country and world in my purse? I could not. (I believe it was $8.00, the WestVirginia salesman comes back once a semester if you're interested)
- collapsable, retractable, rolling crate -- ok. the students can attest to this one....These babies (I have two) can roll around eight gallons of laundry detergent a piece like they're full of feathers. I have decided that part of my job description is "lugging around junk" --constantly....reference books, piles of copies, garbage bags full of stuffed animals. My apartment, my car, my office -- these are merely holding bays for the said junk that I transport from here to there. Now instead of dislocating discs in my back, I can simply roll these things across campus. It's a beautiful thing. If you are a staffworker and don't have one, you should really consider it. ($21 plus tax at Staples)
- the steamer -- it's collapsable too for that matter, and to be honest I didn't actually buy this one myself, but I figure since I've bought a bunch of them as gifts that it counts. You can make the most healthy, spectacular meal of steamed salmon and brocolli in approximately six minutes. Chances are, if you were married between the years 1972 and 1978, you probably got one for your wedding. It's probably still in the back of your cupboards and you don't even know it. Give it a second chance. ($4.99 at your favorite kitchen supply store)
- ticket over the Atlantic - There is no doubt in my mind that my little European escapade was one of the best decisions I ever made. I had spent so many years couped up in a classroom learning about all of these places in Europe. It meant so much to get to see those places with my own eyes, to be in the places where Roman Christians lived and were persecuted, to see if I could find my way without knowing Swiss-German up to the little mountain town where my ancestors came from, to make friends with my crazy Irish taxi-driver, and to see some old friends in new locations. Though I probably could have paid off a few months worth of principal on my student loans, that ticket was infinately more valuable. ($439.61)
- my green hooded sweatshirt - I got this little-boy hoodie at the goodwill in 10th grade, which means it's in its ninth year in my closet (and who knows how many years in someone else's). It has never taken a hiatus from my wardrobe and has a long history of dodgeball games, all-nighters, and camping trips. I don't know if I'll ever be able to say goodbye. I might have to make a pillow out of it or something. ($2, then....inflation would set you back another dollar these days)
November 5: la baignoire rose
In our office we have only the finest of restroom facilities, like this one you see here -- outfitted with its own victorian pink clawfoot bathtub. I am quite fond of it. Who knows how long it has been since someone actually enjoyed a bubble bath in it? Probably quite awhile. In any case, I don't think that has lost an ounce of charm due to lack of use.
November 4: Neopolitan Sky
November 2: birdhouse and baby
When I scrolled through the pictures I had taken this afternoon, I was too lazy to erase this picture. It just looked like a blank white screen because of the light exposure. For some reason, it caught my attention tonight when I uploaded them onto my computer (I'm sorry to all the cats out there who were not chosen this evening -- Spinky, Chicago, Wooster, you will have your day, as I'm sure you will remain very cute and photogenic)...I spent some time at Lakewood Park this afternoon as I love to do. There was this adorable little girl running around chasing squirrels and laughing hysterically. I love how small she is next to this birdhouse; and the ways they each seem to be moving in different directions. This giant birdhouse hotel holds a special place in my memory. Many a scorching summer morning, while wearing a navy blue non-breathable uniform, playing third base for "The Bulldogs," I was distracted by the flurry of activity about it. Even in my "Oh, look a bird" like state we were undefeated! Which is quite funny if you are familiar with the synopsis that goes along with my personality type description.
November 1: Tiny Crowns
What a gracious audience! Thank you Case IV for wearing the miniature crowns before you even knew what I was talking about and thank you for not putting them on your heads while I was talking because I definitely wouldn't have been able to concentrate! You look great and you are a very hospitible bunch. See you next weekend!
OCTOBER: Picture of the Month
Take a look at the last month's photos. Pick your favorite.
There is no criteria really.
Click on "Comments" and leave the date and title of the picture -- and your first name so you can't cheat and vote for one a bunch of times that you're in....I know who I'm working with here!
While you're at it vote for your favorite in September too...
Thank you loyal picture-of-the-day enthusiasts :)
Take a look at the last month's photos. Pick your favorite.
There is no criteria really.
Click on "Comments" and leave the date and title of the picture -- and your first name so you can't cheat and vote for one a bunch of times that you're in....I know who I'm working with here!
While you're at it vote for your favorite in September too...
Thank you loyal picture-of-the-day enthusiasts :)
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