I love this little park in Wooster.
October 30: with permission
I'm still not sure what was going on here. I believe Charlie said, "Do you want us to pose?" And then I think I said, "What did you have in mind?" and then Valerie did this little move which I was not anticipating but somehow I took a picture. Blurry but amazing! These two are just full of surprises...and as you might be able to gather, they're a good time.
October 29: ohio
October 28: one shot
October 27: Katie and Sharlynn
Sharlynn is a sweet, little whippersnapper of a young lady whom Katie mentors. I know that Sharlynn is very blessed to have Katie's support, attention and among many other things, her time. And I know Katie feels like Sharlynn adds a lot to her life living in Youngstown as well. I also think that they are both rather photogenic. ***Speaking of which, Katie, why can't we ever seem to take a good picture of us together?!?! It must just be me, huh! ***
October 26: remnant
October 25: cardboard village
This morning at 5:30 when my cardboard box was collapsing from the rain, I thought to myself "What on earth am I doing?" But, it was all very worth it. Twenty or so students and I made a village out of cardboard last night on the quad and experienced "displacement" as a culmination of our focus week on the situation in Northern Uganda. One of the students pointed out that this was perfect activity for me, as my favorite children's story remains Christina Katerina and the Box. That is very true.
October 24: Flowers in October
October 23: shadows
October 22: pile-up
Last week I purchased 8 garbage bags full of stuffed animals at the Goodwill, to the fascination of everyone in the store. Today, they are in a large clump on the front lawn of campus. Everyone that comes out of class, students and teachers alike has come to look at the pile and a sign that reads -- each one of these stuffed animals represents over 200 child soldiers in Uganda....There have been over 20,000 children abducted and brainwashed since 1997. Our InterVarsity chapter has chosen to bring this story to our campus in a variety of ways this week because 1. God cares about it and so do we, and 2. we really want to start a conversation about EVIL....Is God oblivious to the messes in our world? Please pray for us as we have the opportunity to have these conversations and for those who we speak with.
October 21: Why is there a tree in your kitchen?
Time spent with Emily never ever lacks in intrigue. I had a most wonderful pitstop in Chicago on my way back from Milwaukee. I didn't think I'd get to see Emily until December, so it was an extra nice surprise that we were able to stop!
I had a hard time choosing a picture today, let me tell you! There was the Morton Salt Girl tattoo, the car-bumper nanny goat, the giraffe couple, or the polar-pop photo shoot in front of Wrigley Field. All of this within three blocks of Emily's apartment. Being anywhere with Emily makes for an adventure....it really doesn't matter where you are.
So, as you can imagine, I was presented with a tough choices, but this blew them all out of the water! It is what I found in Emily and Julia's kitchen. Julia apparently found this tree, a deserted victim of a hit-and-run on the sidewalk. And being Julia, leaving it on the sidewalk was not an option....she had to bring it home with her and stick it in the kitchen! Saving the trees, even dead ones. She has plans to turn the branches into a window treatment somehow. I hope to see exactly how that turns out. But for now, it makes for a nice accent piece.
October 19: Spoonful
A giant spoonful of Glorianne! I realize that the ropes make the whole thing look illegal, and perhaps the ropes were trying to prohibit our enjoyment of the spoon...but she wanted so badly to sit in it and I think I was in denial. So, there you have it!
Today, our staff team got to experience a little taste (ha! I don't even try to be punny...I always just realize it as it's coming out....I'm so sorry you have to suffer through that) *anyways* we got to experience a little taste of the Milwaukee Urban Project (a.k.a. MUP, which is fun to say). I'll tell you, there isn't many things that I enjoy more than seeing new places....and it's even better if I get to experience it with someone who calls that place home and loves the nooks and crannies off the map. I'd say that has been the most memorable part of any place that I've traveled because it makes ME love it TOO! Today, the MUP coordinator Jen did just that for us. Whereas once Milwaukee to me was just some city in Wisconsin that made lots of beer, now Milwaukee is a real place with real people. That actually feels a lot more profound than it must sound right now. We saw some incredible things happening in the city today and also some really hard things. It reminded me that to follow Jesus is a wild ride -- up and down and all around -- hearing from his followers here demonstrated how it is so worth it to follow and he promises to be with us through it all.
October 18: matching
My new friend Danielle and I realized that we have the same ring! It's silver in a simple braid that fits perfectly. My uncle Jim (a.k.a. Uncle Fun) made it for me when I graduated from high school and I've worn it ever since. Danielle doesn't think she's ever met my uncle, but maybe he made hers too.
October 17: Tufty goes to Milwaukee
I just wanted to title a picture "Tufty goes to Milwaukee" really, AND I was so tired by the time I reached the hotel that this was about the extent of the photography I was capable of! I drove through Chicago in high traffic today -- in a mini-van -- and I didn't die!
Tufty is my duck. Julie (of the Longacre variety) gave him to me for my birthday a few Urban plunges ago (how appropriate is that?!) He accompanies me everywhere I sleep. Funny, I was never one for a security blanket or teddy bear when I was little. Maybe I'm regressing. Anyways, he's looking a little homesick here; that was unintentional. I just thought he looked nice on the poofy comforter.
Anyways, I am here in Wisconsin for the next few days to consult with other people like me from all over the country. People who bring college students to the city to experience what God is doing there and to show them how to be the irrigation system for the "justice rolling down like waters" that God talks about in Amos. Tonight I learned that since 1992, InterVarsity has brought over 20,000 students to the city on urban projects! Yay! That means 20,000 of this nation's world changers have been exposed to the front-lines of what God is doing in our nation's urban areas. America's cities -- the places where culture, ideas and business go forth -- are in rough, rough shape. I'm praying that God will use us to redeem these broken places and show us how to do it.
Ok, bedtime....
October 16: Swung on and belted....
a-WAYYYYYY back, GONE! I love Tom Hamilton. I mean, even if you didn't have a clue what was going on, you couldn't help but get more excited about life just listening to him. Here you see the commemorative, signed, Tom Hamilton bobble-head doll. This was my company for the evening. A little pathetic -- me and Tom. There is a button right there on top that makes him talk whenever the Indians do anything spectacular. It's pretty great. Though bobble-head Tom was not nearly as fun as watching with the Gibsons, he was sort of fun.
October 15: scrunch
There is just something about babies who scrunch their faces in my general direction that makes me so happy! I got some pictures of the delightful Aubrey crawling towards me, one really artistic one of her profile and that spikey pony tail of hers that is so tempting to play with, but at the end of the day I thought this one would make you smile the most. Hope you're having a good one!
October 14: Wenyuan's First PB&J
Today was monumental, Wenyuan had her first Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich EVER. She said she liked it okay, but it was a little too sweet for her taste. I suppose her expression says it all! Actually, I think Wenyuan is rather dazzling (for lots of reasons) but particuarly for her bravery in trying new foods...like blue cheese and hummus. Impressive. I am not that brave when it comes to Sichuan province spicy foods. We had a nice, lazy girls day with Julie today!
October 13: this again
Hispanic Heritage Month, Librarian Appreciation Month, National Nutrition Month,...these I can get behind....but Brake 4 Kids month?! Seriously? Should that really be a special month? Well it is in Lakewood, Ohio -- every October. I have two thoughts about this (I don't know what has gotten in to me today, I'm feeling sort of wound up and cranky -- my apologies :):
1. Shouldn't we be braking for kids all year round? The color of the sign always changes, but that scary stick kid and the use of the numeral 4 never changes. Perhaps they should keep the signs up all year but rotate the color choice so that we don't become blind to them.
2. The terminology "Brake 4...." conjours up images of bumper stickers saying "I break for dogs/cats/squirrels/what have you." It just seems like "Drive slow for kids..." or something would be a little less crass.
Anyways, this has been bothering me for about five years and now I feel a lot better that you all know about it. Thanks.
(To my Wooster friends....notice the tree-lawn)
October 12: Friday Night Football
This is what my family does for fun. We flick things at each other. My brothers have made the largest collection of paper footballs I have ever seen in my life. The goal here is distance, not accuracy...unless you hit Annie in the head and then it's high-fives all around. They love me. And I suppose that I'm in good company because they give bonus points for knocking over my great-grandmother's picture on the mantle-piece as well. They love her too. Don't let that freak you out too much; I'm positive that if dear Wilma the bookbinder was still here today she'd laugh really hard about that.
October 11: if the shoe fits...
October 10: Lunch with Shae
I usually have Wednesday off. I had some appointments scheduled in Cleveland today and it ended up being the perfect day to be home! My friend Shae was in town and we got to have lunch together. She was the friend who I went to visit a few years ago in Rome. I really have treasured the little bursts of time we've gotten to spend together. Shae now lives in India...perhaps I can make it there someday? hmmmm. I also got to check out Mr.Graham's kumquat tree and get some pointers about how to tend to mine. And I got to go to my cousin Binnie's birthday party at my grandparent's house. That was a nice surprise for me to be able to see everyone tonight! The end.
October 9: tower on a hill
I had some encouraging meet ups with students here today. It is so wierd to be in this building and feel so detached from my past in it. Lots of memories. They took our class picture on the steps of the arch in the middle on my first day of school my freshman year...and then we marched through it led by bagpipes on our way to graduate. That was a glorious day. My favorite class ever was on the top floor of the tower part -- Jeff Roche's American history since 1945 was captivating. I spent hours on the west wing in my Independent Study professor's office. Embarassingly, I think she came to associate me with tissues. I cried through the whole ordeal because it was so hard and I didn't think I would ever finish. She was very sweet to me and knew just how to push me on my way. And then I gave my oral defense here a few months after that and I could get on with my life! My most favorite memory of all though was in the winter of my sophomore year. A huge snow was coming and word spread through dorm hallways all over campus that we were going to try to fill the arch with snow....we really believed the old legend that if we filled it they'd give us off school. Anyways, imagine hundreds of students in the middle of the night with their garbage cans all working together to pack the thing out. People were singing and drinking hot chocolate and tackling each other in the snow. It was spontaneous fun with a huge group of people who wouldn't normally be hanging out together. I love when that happens. We didn't get off school. eh!
October 8: October?
October 7: handwriting
October 6: You can count the seeds in an apple...
...but you can never count the number of apples in a seed! Dr. and Mrs. Hampton have been God's gift to the College of Wooster for the past thirty years...and in that time they have planted many, many, many seeds. I am pretty sure that it is impossible to know exactly how much has been done as a result of all their love, all their prayers, and all their hamburgers and brownies (whatever it takes, right?). Tonight, we gathered as many alumni and students as we could to say THANK YOU! I loved the look on Mrs. Hampton's face when she realized that this party was for her and that there were some special people there just for the occasion! Hampton family, it was really fun to spend your last homecoming here with you! I don't think you can know how grateful we are for your faithfulness in serving the Lord here, but please just try!
October 5: Pieces
October 4: I'm NOT eating those
I have some very resourceful friends. They reduce, reuse, AND recycle...but today I felt that the reusing spirit was going a little bit toooooooo far. Julie brought over cookies for dessert and though they looked delicious, the fact that they were living in a bag previously occupied by KIDNEY was enough for me to decline. I'm not usually too picky about these types of things, but that combo was not working for me no matter how well you washed that bag out. AND, might I add, it seemed to go even beyond Julie's level of commitment to the environment. I mentioned this to her and that I wondered if she might consider keeping the meat ziplocs seperate from the non-meat ziplocs in the future. She just laughed at me like I was the crazy one.....turns out, kidney was referring to the bean. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh. Of course. That didn't seem quite as eww....and the chocolate chip cookies were amazing. Can I just say that Julie Draper is one of the most amazing cooks/baker's I have ever met? I'm saying it. I hope that she gets the job working at the pie making shop that she applied for.
October 3: Simone and her Skink
Simone. She loves bugs, slugs, lizards, and anything else that would generally make you want to retract your hand. This is her skink -- and the last few times I've been to her house she's had him on her shoulder or balancing on her head, or she was in the process of sticking him up her napping father's shirt. Aye!
Now, I don't know how much this lil' skink weighs (nor did I ask) BUT Monie pointed out to me that he had a lot of extra flab that she was hoping he'd work off...she kept demonstrating his extra girth by pinching his stomach flab. He didn't seem to phased by it all, poor thing.
October 2: Detour
October 1: Rebecca Susan
September 30: without permission
I realized that I really love taking pictures of people most -- more than plants, pets or architecture. Today, I think I got shy. See, I met a lot of interesting people. There was this gentleman at church who introduced himself to me as Uncle George. He had a habit of yelling out "Jackpot!" at the end of his sentences which kept catching me off gaurd. I was sort of a captive audience as a result. Becky (and Uncle George) go to a church in downtown Lancaster that is 265 years old. It is where President Buchanan went, which I don't think they spread that little piece of information around too widely because he is considered by most to be the worst president in our history. But hey, a president is a president, right? Anyways, this church really ministers to all in the city from those that are well and working to the down-and-out who find community there. It is a neat place and I really love it. ***Anyways ***all that to say that I really wanted to photograph Uncle George -- or Megan, this sweet nuerosurgeon who actually gets to sew up people's brains every Monday, but I totally chickened out! There is something that feels intrusive about asking someone if you can photograph them, but maybe I will get better at this in time. Thus, today you have this picture of a weed growing out of a crack in a rock. I didn't need to ask its permission. So, there you have it.
September 29: North Mary Street
September 28: Wonder Dog
This is Chettie. I think he should be wearing a cape or something (and some underwear) because he is a dog wonder. Chihuahuas are supposed to top off at five pounds, but this puppy is at nine and counting! (Don't ask me what my obsession is with the weights of my friends' pets....this is becoming a recurring theme) Anyways, Chettie was making me laugh from the moment I met him. He hops around a lot and goes nuts for the first ten minutes you are in the room with him...then he calms down and likes to be held like a baby. I found him to be rather charming. (Today's picture taken by Becky Young)
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