It was a perfect night to visit downtown for the first time -- the twinkle lights, all the people out shopping and watching street performers, the window displays and especially the beautiful snow! It's been so good to have a few days to be away from Wooster and let my spirit get revived after a very full semester. My friend Stephanie, who does the same job as me except at a campus in Illinois, is the guest photographer of the day!
What you might not guess from this picture was that we stayed at a monestary on the south side for a few days. I must say that it was a little surreal at times. I have to tell you about Brother Ignatius who showed me to my lodging. He wore full out black robes and would bow his head to me every time I answered a question. He was your quintessential monk. BUT, when he got to the explanation of the food part of the tour he got very apologetic about the meager selection of breakfast foods - fruit and whole wheat bread. I of course didn't see anything wrong with the offerings but he went on to explain that it's just difficult with so many monks on the ZONE diet these days to appeal to everyone (I had no idea about this trend). The non-ZONE diet monks don't want to rub it in to the ZONE diet monks that they can eat Lucky Charms and such (which I thought was very considerate and nodded in agreement). I told him that I totally understood and I was happy about my breakfast. He bowed his head and thanked me and the matter was settled.
hrmmm..the ZONE diet. Zoroastrian Order of No Eggs Diet? Zechariah's Opportune Negligible Eating Diet? Zap! Only Natural Eats Diet?
i am quite curious. sounds like quite the experience.
i'm glad you are in chicago and it sounds like it has been refreshing. :-)
Annie's life as a sit-com. :)
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