
August 16: surplus

Today, Julie D. and I were extremely fascinated by the shenanigans of the matching umbrella people. They were sort of loud and without even trying, my ears kept perking up when a woman from this bunch of people would say fascinating and strange things, such as: "It was really a shame when they stopped making picnic tables with the holes drilled in 'em...luckily for us though all these companies had lots of extra picnic table umbrellas that they couldn't sell. So we bought 'em out." (This was news to me...I didn't realize the decision to stop putting holes in picnic tabels had occured on such a widespread scale)

And then later I heard two people having what seemed to be a very passionate discussion about linguistics. One man said:

"In all of my reading, I have never ever come across anyone in thier twenties who uses the word 'coiffed'"

I wanted so badly to know where that conversation had started and how they had gotten to that point. It will always be a mystery I guess.


Anonymous said...

rats, i think i missed the linguistics lesson. i will now have to use the word "coiffed" in my next short story. nice panorama, by the way.

Unknown said...

OK...My dad has/loves one of those green picnic tables with the hole drilled in the middle and benches attached. They fold up into large picnic-table sized brief cases.

AND the matching striped umbrella! We would have fit right in!