So, there were all these darling flowers at the fair today. Mrs. Hampton and I spent a good amount of time enjoying them and taking pictures of them. Yet, this one won out! Why? The scary, web-footed clown grumbled, "I'm goin' on BREAK" (with emphasis) to no one in particular. It certainly wasn't me. And then he slammed the door to his camper. I'm not sure what ex-act-ly was going on, but it sure was fascinating. The flowers didn't offer as much of a story....maybe next time gladiolas.
(Actually, I must add this below because it is my favorite picture from all of 2007! I took it on this day and it is called, "For Emily")
oh my goodness. i truly laughed out loud reading this! hilarious. it's been a dreary afternoon...your blog broke the day's somber tone. you really have a knack for both witty captions *and* pics! -jesskeath
I'm so glad! I can almost hear your's been so long since I've seen you Jess! Geesh. Miss you.
The best picture yet is also the best picture of september. This one gets my september vote!
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