Today was an amazing weather day. I was driving home from a meeting in Shreve on Rt.226 as a thick white fog lifted over the swamp. It was unbelievable. I had things to do but I couldn't help myself so I pulled over and took a bunch of pictures, none of which captured the scene to my satisfaction. Maybe it's better that way. But I did manage to make friends with this little sheep as I snapped away. He was far enough away from the swamp that the fog was not affecting him :)
They say water, in any of its forms, is one of the hardest things to commit to film....I'm assuming fog counts.
Speaking of sheep -er- fog, the best tangible way that I know how to explain the Trinity that is our God, is by heating up ONE chunk of snow/ice on a frying pan. In time, at one moment that ONE chunk of ice is in 3 forms: Solid, Liquid, Gas...which I vaguely qualify as Jesus, Spirit, Father.
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