I need a little help. I have had these canvases ever since I moved into my apartment this summer, but I haven't gotten any inspiration as to what to do with them! There are three and I was hoping to hang them in a little cluster over my couch. Any ideas?
did you see the canvases in the 24/7 prayer room at CC '08? You could work out something cool like that. Or you could make something sweet to hang off the wall at your Oasises. AHHHH, you could do this: string em up so they hang like three different sections as a montage. Of course, that doesn't solve the issue of content. But three can mean trinity, you can go with that. Make something on the Trinity! haha!
you could do landscapes for each of the four seasons and omit fall.
or...you could do an andy warholesque series on psychedlic broccoli.
or paint them to look like windows and draw pictures of places you really love (like your cleveland spot) as if you were seeing it through the "window."
or...hire them out like photo frames. get different people to paint pictures on them..around a theme..or not. it would help you with your goal of original artwork and outsource the labor. i might be up for tackling one.
or maybe you can paint portraits of your past three landlords (provided that gayle makes it in to the mix) to remember them by.. ;-)
or one to represent each of your three lovely brothers.
okay...i'm done braindrizzling.
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