I love this little part of Cleveland across from the Westside market. This is the little veranda on the top floor of one of the apartment buildings.
February 27: market street
I love this little part of Cleveland across from the Westside market. This is the little veranda on the top floor of one of the apartment buildings.
February 25: long lost friend
As deliberately unwilling to cooperate with a smile for this picture, this was Jared's idea for picture-of-the-day. We've known each other ever since we were babies, have both lived in this thriving metropolis of a town on and off for the last four years, and have been playing phone tag for about as long. Game over, as you see here!
February 24: blank canvases
February 23: annoyed
February 21: bossy
February 20: monkey off my back
Every other month I send out a newsletter about the ministry. Though I very much enjoy writing the letters and updating all of the people who are reading them, it is a pr-o-cess. My friend Julie describes the culmination of this project as getting rid of a monkey off your back. Here is what that feeling looks like in picture form, as impossible to convey as that is. After all the printing, folding, stamping, labeling, enclosing, signing....here is the neatly organized box of letters.
February 18: one clean pot
September 17: spinning plates
Okay, so they weren't spinning, but "plates" wouldn't have been a very appealing title and they kind of look like they could be spinning. I got them for 50 cents a piece at the grocery store and they sort of match the few that I had. Now I can have more than 4 people over for dinner and have matching plates. I realize that if matching dishware is the most I have to worry about I'm really doing pretty good.
February 16: awww
February 14: my spot
February 13: picture from my bed
February 11: parking security
February 9: it's that time again
Oh man. This whole tax form thing is not my strong suit. But, I tell you that I tried really hard today to figure all this out and I think I did okay. We'll see. I will say that I think that in all the spare time that I have I really could get a job re-writing that stupid book of instructions for the tax forms. It needs some serious revamping in order to help those of us who need remedial tax help.
February 8: parched watercolors
February 7: wink
Even though I reloaded my camera with batteries this morning, they didn't hold their charge. I really wanted to take a picture with our chic looking guest speaker Lisa S. Harper who was visiting us from NYC, but the red blinking light of battery death did not allow me to do so. Thus, today you get the result of my tired self giving up on picture taking for the day. My roommate Katie graciously took care of it for me. Here is the result.
February 6: February Rainbow
February 5: Focaccia or Hot Potato?
February 4: he liked me
Today was an amazing weather day. I was driving home from a meeting in Shreve on Rt.226 as a thick white fog lifted over the swamp. It was unbelievable. I had things to do but I couldn't help myself so I pulled over and took a bunch of pictures, none of which captured the scene to my satisfaction. Maybe it's better that way. But I did manage to make friends with this little sheep as I snapped away. He was far enough away from the swamp that the fog was not affecting him :)
February 3: Superbowl Twins
February 2: Charlize
This is my bed - Charlize. It came with the name. I didn't know mattress companies were into naming their merchandise, but they are. Charlize has provided a cushiony, peaceful place for me to sleep for the last year -- something that I often need a little help doing. Charlize is also a donor to my ministry. I don't know who is in charge of her accounting or where her income is coming from but yes, my mattress apparently has a generous little heart.
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