I've recently started babysitting for a family a few mornings a week. They live near a farm that has horses and cows, and a brand new baby calf. It's a really beautiful view out their window as you can see here. The boys are fun too. The two old has a fascination with kitchen utensils which I can already tell is going to be a challenge. Although, he can say "Spatula" with confidence and accuracy which I think is pretty impressive.
January 30: the farm next door
I've recently started babysitting for a family a few mornings a week. They live near a farm that has horses and cows, and a brand new baby calf. It's a really beautiful view out their window as you can see here. The boys are fun too. The two old has a fascination with kitchen utensils which I can already tell is going to be a challenge. Although, he can say "Spatula" with confidence and accuracy which I think is pretty impressive.
January 29
January 28: salvaged
I found a bunch of stamps on letters with wrong addresses...so they have been freed from their unsendable envelopes and relocated to a little box in the kitchen drawer to be salvaged.
(P.S. loyal on-lookers. I am so sorry about the delay in posting pictures. I don't have internet where I live and the places I've gone to check my email haven't let me access this site! I don't know what they think the content is on here!)
January 26: The Tree
Here is the update on The Tree with the psychotic lights that I did away with. Katie and I have been trying to figure out to do with it, where to put it/hide it. We decided to decorate it for all seasons as our solution and make it a prominent part of our living room. Here is the hideous result of our valentine tree! It's even more vibrant in real life if you can believe it :) And, to my surprise, I kind of like it!
January 25: art night
January 24: today in hallmark
January 23: sun streak
January 22: wood pile
January 21: uh oh
January 19: cake in a row
January 18: A.P.
January 17: not what I ordered...
My knowledge of Buddy Holly is incredibly disproportionate to my appreciation his music. That is to say that I know a whole lot more than necessary. Anthony Duran, a Buddy Holly obsessed fourth grader (Don’t worry if you didn’t have one of these – I think they are rare) I went to school with is to blame for this. Every day at recess he’d stand behind the monkey bars and put on Buddy Holly concerts. He and his “band” usually didn’t have much of an audience, but let me tell you I’m sure we’ve all still got the songs DOWN as they sang for all to hear! Years went by and I lost track of Anthony Duran, but I was captivated one lazy summer day by the only somewhat interesting programming on one of our family’s five television stations – a documentary on the life story of Buddy Holly. Once really should have been enough, but yes, I watched it three times. It was a real low point in my life. I can tell you, in case you didn’t know, that Mr. Holly died unexpectedly (as sometimes happens) in a plane crash with Tony Vallens and the Big Bopper. Incidentally, this was the tragic incident that inspired Don McLean’s legendary song “Miss American Pie” about the day the music died. That song never seems to though. See, I could totally school you in Trivial Pursuit on this subject.
January 13: red and black
January 10: friend
January 9: distant memory
January 8: siblings
I met a lovely family today who had me over for dinner to talk about InterVarsity at Wooster. In addition to getting to know them and thier Chinese dragon lizard named Fred, I discovered that they are all way out of my league in speed scrabble. Daniel and Hannah here reminded me of what growing up with three brothers was like...getting tackled ALOT.
January 6: thin air
Something happened on our flight that I have never experienced before. The stewardess had to ask two people to get off the flight because our plane weighed too much! She started the bidding at a $200 voucher and went up to $300 before she got any takers. I was traveling with two friends and we hadn't made a contingency plan for such an offer...too bad! We have a theory as to what happened to weigh us down though. There were a bunch of IV staff from the midwest and east coast on our flight. Most of us checked a second box of luggage -- boxes filled with books we got for a steal of a deal at our conference. So, we made for a hefty bunch that Continental didn't see coming. When it came time, we made it in the air!...Though, it's hard to imagine that two people made the difference (their luggage stayed on the plane)
January 5: singing away (part 2)
You might not be able to tell this about me, but one of the little thrills in my life is dorky dance parties where no one really knows how to dance but is having a great time! I have missed that at the last few family weddings where I've been out on the dance floor with a bunch of five year old cousins and my dad (I do enjoy your moves dad, really)...but, TONIGHT I got to enjoy the company of a dance floor full of IV staff! This little tradition has got to be incorporated into more conferences. This was the band!
January 3: reuben
January 2: cutting cake
I am at InterVarsity's national staff conference. It is great to be here with over a thousand people who have a deep understanding for what I do and where I'm at in life right now because many of them are in a similar place! Grateful for that. It is going to be a good few days of being a support and encouragment to each other. Tonight we had a party for books...60 years of InterVarsity Press...a very special part of our ministry. I just learned that in Christianity Today's publication of the top fifty books that have shaped evangelical America in the last fifty years, IVP published 8 of them! I didn't know that. These men served us cake at the party...here they were taking a little break.
January 1: "The Waffler"
Aside from being an awesome superhero name, "The Waffler" makes adorable breakfast selections like you see here. After a wild night on fraternity row at the largest university in the country, it was a welcome meal. Ha! What was I doing you ask? Well, I was staying with a friend who lives in the only apartment building that is NOT a frat house at Ohio State...she actually has a very serene place in the center of it all...but it was a crazy, circus, loud night all around us as you might be able to imagine. Oh dear.
It's that time again!!!
DECEMBER Picture of the Month!